New Capture The Flag Maps, New Servers, and Badge for Beta Participants in Tribes Ascend
Today, Hi-Rez Studios introduces another significant update to the Open Beta of the free-to-play fast-action multiplayer shooter Tribes: Ascend.
Patch Highlights include:
- • Added Sunstar, a new Capture the Flag map.
- • Temple Ruins, a Capture the Flag map, has been revised based on community feedback and returns to the Quick Play rotation.
- • Additional European servers added. Region selection includes Europe – London and Europe – Amsterdam.
- • Additional Asian servers added. Region selection includes Asia – Japan, and Asia – Singapore
- • Server performance optimizations.
- • More polished reticules and HUD icons. Also, users may now disable unwanted HUD elements using SETTINGS menu.
- • User settings now stored server-side. Settings may be reset with this patch but settings should be preserved upon future patches.
Other balance changes, features, and bug-fixes are detailed here. Hi-Rez Studios also announced their intent to reward the very active Beta community. When Tribes: Ascend officially releases on April 12th, all Beta players who have reached level 10 will receive an exclusive in-game Beta badge.
To play Tribes: Ascend Open Beta today visit: All player progress and unlocks in Beta will be preserved through release with no planned character wipes