Xitol Softworks reveals Zone: The Battleground’s first in-game screenshots at PAX East
Xitol Softworks is proud to reveal the first ever in-game screenshots for our upcoming title, Zone: The Battleground. After months upon months of hard work, the team at Xitol Softworks have created some amazing content for our game.
The screenshots we are releasing today are from the multiplayer level, Glacial. Glacial takes place on an abandoned research center overrun with harsh weather.
Please note, these screenshots are from an early pre-alpha build of the game. Things have changed a bit from when some of these screenshots were taken, and are still subject to even more change.
About Zone: The Battleground: Zone: The Battleground is a multiplayer focused game built off of the Zone universe created by Xitol Softworks Ltd. Built using the Unreal Development Kit, Zone: The Battleground brings intense action to both your PC and Mac. Gamers will not be disappointed with the vast amount of customization and fun Zone: The Battleground has to bring to their computers. Zone: The Battleground is currently scheduled to be released in mid to late 2012.
About Xitol Softworks Ltd.: Founded in 2007 as a mod team for Halo: CE and Halo 2 PC, and later as a community for Halo 3, Xitol Softworks has evolved from a small gaming community into an independent game development team focusing on both challenging and innovative household and mobile games and applications. Xitol’s projects are spread across a variety of platforms including, but not limited to: PC, Windows Phone 7 and iOS.