Trendy Entertainment offering $1000 for Dungeon Defenders Mapmaker Contest
Trendy Entertainment is proud to announce the first ever Dungeon Defenders mapping contest! Savvy creators are in for a treat, as the winning map will be bought from the designer for $1,000 dollars, and the map will be introduced as an official Dungeon Defenders map with the creator(s) credited for their work. Not only that, but runners-up will get some crazy awesome loot and cash prizes too.
For the complete breakdown of rules, submission process, prizes and further information, click HERE. Otherwise, here’s the quickie breakdown:
The rules are quite simple!
- Maps should be traditional Tower Defense, supporting 4-6 Heroes. Use of special mechanics like fans and magic carpets is fine. Boss fights are also allowed.
- Use of custom materials is allowed.
- Collaborations are allowed. Multiple authors can pool their talents on a single submission, and split any prizes that may be awarded. However, only 1 map per author is allowed.
- Maps created prior to the start of this contest are ineligible.
- Do your best to make the map actually work. You will not be disqualified if the map contains errors. I.e. a particular monster spawn is broken, last wave doesn’t end properly, whatever. However, you will suffer a small penalty in the scoring process.
- Entries must be submitted no later than June 21 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
Maps will be judged by a popular and judge vote based on Balance, Originality, Detailing, and Optimization. For a breakdown of these categories, go HERE.
So, what can fearless defenders hope to win?
1st place: Map inclusion into Dungeon Defenders Ranked & Open mode, $1,000 prize and a DunDef prize pack (TBD)
2nd place: $500 and a DunDef prize pack (TBD)
3rd place: $250 and a DunDef prize pack (TBD)
4th place: DunDef prize pack (TBD)
To get started, download Dungeon Defenders and the Dungeon Defenders Development Kit from Steam. Good luck Defenders!
Buy Dungeon Defenders: HERE
Download the Dungeon Defenders Development Kit: HERE
Browse DDDK Tutorials: HERE