Paradox Interactive has acquired Triumph Studios
Paradox is not big on acquiring studios for their own, but they must not only see something in Triumph Studios, but look to ensure their future.
From Press Release:
Paradox Interactive is pleased to announce it has acquired Triumph Studios, the creators of the critically-acclaimed Age of Wonders and Overlord-series.
Founded in 1997 by Lennart Sas and Arno van Wingerden, both of who remain with the company today, Triumph Studios is known as one of the top-tier strategy games developers worldwide. The Age of Wonders-series has sold in excess of one million copies to date.
Following the acquisition, the current team and management will all remain with Triumph Studios. All ongoing projects will remain in development, and will be published by Paradox Interactive.
“Triumph Studios is a developer of our own heart. They are world-leading within their niche and have built a large and dedicated community over the years, counting quite a few Paradox employees among their hardcore fans. We have great faith in Lennart, Arno and the Triumph team, and our main focus now is to ensure that they can continue to create their magic under new ownership,” said Fredrik Wester, CEO at Paradox Interactive.
“We have been approached by others before with an interest to acquire us, but this is not merely a business transaction for us. This is a liaison with a partner that can help us grow sustainably by ensuring the stability and continuity needed for us to do more of what we do best – develop some of the best turn-based strategy games on the market today. Paradox is a good match for us both culturally and games-wise. They get it. It’s as simple as that, and we are extremely excited about the acquisition,” said Lennart Sas, CEO and co-founder of Triumph Studios.
Paradox CEO Fredrik Wester and Triumph CEO Lennart Sas will host a live stream about the acquisition on Friday 30 June at 4PM CEST. Tune in at