From PlayStation Blog:
Hi everyone! I’m Jaakko from 10tons, and I’m happy to be back on PS Blog to talk about what to expect from our latest game, twin-stick shooter Tesla vs Lovecraft.
Some of you may know we’re no strangers to top-down twin-stick shooters. We’ve made quite a few, with various flavors. We loaded Neon Chrome with RPG and roguelite elements, while its spinoff title Jydge is all about bite sized missions and customization. In Time Recoil we focused on time slowdown mechanics and story. With Tesla vs Lovecraft we’re going back to our roots with Crimsonland-style all-action arena gameplay with tons of monsters.
In Tesla vs Lovecraft, however, the arenas are fully architectured with obstacles, gaps, walls, and buildings. Structured levels are the base for the first core feature of Tesla vs Lovecraft, the Quantum Teleport. The hero of the game, genius inventor Nikola Tesla, is not limited to just running while gunning. With the Quantum Teleport backpack he, or rather you, the player, can teleport a short distance in a blink of an eye. Better yet, it makes no difference if there’s a brick wall or a horde of monsters in the way; you can blink through anything. There’s a cooldown involved however, so you can teleport only three times in rapid succession. After that you’ll need to survive precious seconds for the teleport charges to come back up. The Quantum Teleport feature turned out great, and we’re really happy with how teleporting gives the player more opportunities to do risky stuff. Risky is fun!
The highlight of the game, however, is the Tesla-Mech battle robot. This juicy bit of monster slaying goodness is assembled from six pieces, one of which is always somewhere in the level waiting to be picked up. After collecting six pieces you can activate the Tesla-Mech for an immense boost in firepower. While all the weapons, powerups, and perks of the game are plenty powerful, nothing comes close to the Tesla-Mech. You’ll be instantly able to turn the tables on even the most massive swarm of monsters and to just shred everything in a very gratifying way. Like all good things, the Tesla-Mech only lasts for a while before exploding, scattering its pieces around the level to be collected and assembled once again.
Tesla vs Lovecraft will be available for PS4 at PlayStation Store on March 13, 2018 for $14.99 USD. If you’re looking for a new shooter, check this one out!