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Jan 03, 2019

BATALJ Closed Beta extended until January 31st, with major update on the way

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From Press Release:

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN – January 3, 2019. The BATALJ community keeps growing and Fall Damage Studio has decided to extend the beta into January following the Closed Beta success during the end of 2018.

Shutting down the Closed Beta at New Year’s Eve didn’t feel like the right thing to do considering our active dialogue with our community that keeps getting better and better. Instead, extending the Closed Beta to the end of the month with a huge update coming in the second week of January including a new map, new units and new heroes. We’re excited to see how the meta changes.” said Dan Vaderlind, Chief Operations Officer at Fall Damage.



BATALJ is a fierce online turn-based action strategy game where you face other players in one vs one battles with your own custom-built squad. Skill and smart plays decides who comes out victorious. With several unique mechanics and an action packed art style,BATALJ is a fresh addition to the strategic turn based genre. The title means “Combat” in Swedish, a nod to the Fall Damage founders’ background in AAA First Person Shooters. With three factions, multiple heroes and units you can try out different combinations, discover synergies and explore strategies that fits your play style.

How to get your BATALJ Closed Beta Keys

Visit, follow the instructions, and a key will be e-mailed to you which can be activated on Steam.

BATALJ Steam page – Wishlist Now


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