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Nov 18, 2019

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive begins Operation Shattered Web, a battle pass offering giving new operators and rewards starting today

csgo operationpass

From Press Release:

November 11, 2019 – Operation Shattered Web, a multi-week operation for CS:GO, is now available.

For the first time in CS:GO, players may bring their favorite character into battle with all-new, equippable agents. Offered via battle pass format, players can earn a massive collection of rewards featuring the new agents plus all-new weapon collections, stickers, graffiti, and more. Operation Missions will feature various game modes including Co-op Guardian and a new Co-op Strike Mission.

The Operation Pass is offered for $14.99. All users can play missions, participate in all game modes, and purchase a pass at any time to receive all rewards associated with their progress.

For more information, please visit