From Press Release:
MONTREAL, June 29, 2020 — Blue Moose Games announces its first game and released the first trailer for its upcoming game Road Z : The Last Drive.
In Road Z : The Last Drive you drive your way through hordes of zombies in an action, driving and upgrade game genres.
In a world surrounded by zombies. Doctor Lactus puts in your possession a vaccine that can save the world, you must cross the United States by car to bring this vaccine to the laboratory in Washington.
Collect hardware by hitting zombies to upgrade your cars. Upgrade the motor, the fuel tank, the armor, add and upgrade a nitro bottle, a turret and flamethrower. Also, explore the surrounding to loot hardware.
Road Z : The Last Drive will be available in English, German, French, Spanish, Russian and Portuguese. Also, Creatures Inc will be available on August 21, 2020.
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