From Press Release:
STOCKHOLM — May 21, 2021 — Paradox Interactive and Romero Games announced during today’s PDXCON showcase that Empire of Sin will receive its first paid expansion later this year, titled Make It Count. The expansion will introduce a new boss, Meyer “the Accountant” Lansky, new gangsters, “the Fixers,” and their Loan Sharking Racket. This is the first major content expansion for Empire of Sin since its launch last year, and builds upon the base game to offer additional content and gameplay options for players.
Make It Count Key Features
- Meyer Lansky – Play as the “Mob’s Accountant,” a boss that excels at economics and creates synergy in combat. He uses his smooth talking to “make peace” with money and connections.
- “The Fixers” – Five gangsters are up for hire, bringing their loan sharking Racket and combat abilities. This Racket unlocks Blackmail over other characters and factions.
- A string of missions that tell the story of Lansky and the Fixers, unlocking game features like Loan Sharking, and introduce Lansky’s mentor, Arnold Rothstein.
- New rackets, new abilities, new gangsters and new missions – more details to come!
“After all the work we put into patching the game in the past few months, we’re ready to explore new aspects of the game to give players more content to sink their teeth into.” said Brenda Romero, Co-Founder, Romero Games. “Make it Count, alongside the free Precinct update, brings new ways for players to play, manage and win as they build up their own Empire of Sin!”
Make It Count will launch on PC, PlayStation4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch later this year alongside the Precinct update, which introduces a Precinct management layer across neighborhoods, adds a new win-mechanic, and introduces mod support with mods available to play at launch.
For more information on Make It Count and Empire of Sin, visit