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Jun 23, 2021

GOG is giving away ARMA: Cold War Assault for the next 30+ hours

ARMA CWA giveaway

From Press Release:

The time has come to uncover the third game giveaway during our Summer Sale. There are still more than 30 hours to grab a highly engaging classic military simulation from Bohemia Interactive – ARMA: Cold War Assault.

Originally published as Operation Flashpoint in 2001, the game celebrates the 20th Anniversary of its release today. ARMA: Cold War Assault easily captivates modern gamers with its rich, enthralling campaign and diversified gameplay. As a US soldier tasked with stopping the outbreak of World War III, you can approach each one of the game’s missions in many ways, all the while utilizing a powerful arsenal of weapons and military vehicles.

That’s not all in terms of good news! New game deals have been added to the Summer Sale on GOG.COM lately. Check out titles like Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition (-40%), Golazo! Football League (-80%), Stronghold Warlords (-33%), Cuphead (-25%), Terraria (-50%), and more.

ARMA: Cold War Assault giveaway on GOG.COM runs until June 24th, 2021, at 6 PM UTC. The Summer Sale on the other hand, with over 3,400 game deals up to 90% off, will last until June 28th, 2021, at 1 PM UTC.