From Press Release:
Stockholm – May 24th 2022 – Cathuria Games and Raw Fury want to share some exciting news on Dream Cycle’s journey to full release.
Dream Cycle is an action-adventure game by Lara Croft creator Toby Gard. Originally launched into Early Access in September 2021, the game has hit a signifacant stage in its development, with a large update featuring a hefty list of implementations and improvements. Highlights include new VO, stories, combat techniques and a special gift for anyone who was affected by the transition from beta to live branch. Info on the majority of updates can be found here.
We hope that you’re enjoying what you see of Dream Cycle so far and we’re excited to share more as we continue on this adventure across Lovecraft’s Dreamlands. The game is set to release out of Early Access late summer 2022.
About Cathuria Games
Founded by Toby Gard, creator of Lara Croft, Cathuria Games is a UK studio who’s first game release will be Dream Cycle.
About Raw Fury
Raw Fury is a boutique indie (un)publisher founded in 2015 by Jonas Antonsson, Gordon Van Dyke, and David Martinez. We don’t care about genres or mechanics. We care about experiences and emotions. We want to help developers make magic.