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Nov 02, 2022

March of the Lich King is Hearthstone’s next expansion, brings new cards and minions, adds new Death Knight class

From Press Release:

Frostmourne hungers…Hearthstone introduces the new Death Knight class alongside the last expansion of the year: March of the Lich King will launch worldwide on December 6! Follow Arthas Menethil’s journey as he becomes the iconic Warcraft villain, the Lich King, through the Death Knight prologue. With 203 brand new cards, including the new Death Knight class, new Undead minion type, and new Manathirst keyword, players have access to the most varied gameplay and deckbuilding in Hearthstone yet.


  • 68 new class cards, including 32 free Core Set cards
  • Hero Power: Ghoul Charge
  • Summon a 1/1 Ghoul with Charge that dies at the end of the turn.
  • New Resource: Corpses
  • Every time a friendly minion dies it’s counted as a Corpse.
  • Deckbuilding System: Runes
  • Blood for control gameplay with health manipulation.
  • Frost for direct damage with icy spells.
  • Unholy for swarms of minions across the board.


  • New Minion type: Undead
  • Now your Undead minions are easy to identify!
  • Hundreds of minions from previous expansions updated to include Undead minion type.
  • New Keyword: Manathirst
  • Cards have additional powers when you have enough mana crystals to trigger the effect.
  • No mana needs to be consumed for the bonus effect to be triggered.


  • Events will now have a dedicated place within the Hearthstone user interface.
  • When an event is active, the Journal button is modified; reward content also will now have a dedicated space within the Journal.
  • Knights of Hallow’s End event will be live TODAY – bringing all Knights of the Frozen Throne cards back into Standard until March of the Lich King releases!