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Dec 05, 2022

Caporetto expansion for Isonzo releases today for FREE, taking players to new fronts

From Press Release:

ALKMAAR, THE NETHERLANDS, December 5, 2022 – WW1 FPS Isonzo receives its first massive free expansion today, available now on PC, PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S! A new Offensive map deploys players to the first stages of the Battle of Caporetto, where the new German Empire faction launches a major assault against Italian positions. With a range of new weapons and equipment, the soldiers of the German Empire will be fearsome adversaries. Even more visual customization options are available in the paid ‘Royal Units’ DLC, bringing carefully researched uniform options and facial hair styles for the Germans.


The Caporetto expansion for Isonzo is free, while players can expand their German visual customization options with the Royal Units DLC for $9.99 / €9.99. This first expansion was just released on SteamPlayStationXbox and the Epic Games Store.

Furthermore, there will be several discounts running later today for the WW1 Game Series titles on Steam, with 20% off Isonzo (including Deluxe Edition) and 10% off earlier Isonzo DLCs for those who want to enjoy authentic WW1 Italian Front action.

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The German assault on Caporetto begins!

The Caporetto update brings the first map in a new Offensive – Isonzo’s signature game mode, where players fight through multiple different maps to determine who wins or loses the overall Offensive. The German Offensive will have three maps, focused on the momentous Twelfth Battle of the Isonzo, also known as the Battle of Caporetto. Historically this was a disaster for the Italians, as a combined German and Austro-Hungarian attack broke through Italian lines and forced them to retreat more than 100 kilometers.

Caporetto is the titular map in the Caporetto season of free updates, with two more to follow later. It’s set on a rainy autumn day, with German attackers attempting to break through a small town and storm increasingly steep hillside positions as they aim to conquer the strategically important peak of Hill 1114. The Italian defenders must use ruined buildings and multiple lines of trenches and bunkers to try and delay the attack long enough for it to lose momentum.

The WW1 Game Series seeks to bring the Great War closer than ever before, and the Caporetto expansion introduces players to a major part of the German involvement on the Italian Front. The new map is based on careful research to reflect the challenges faced by soldiers on both sides of the conflict, with period maps and photography combined with written memoirs and modern histories.

“Today’s release of part one of the Caporetto season marks the first step in bringing one of the most significant battles of the Italian Front to Isonzo, not to mention the addition of German troops as we promised at launch. The Caporetto map is a huge multilayered battlefield – and as players can see on our roadmap, they can expect more to come, with every season bringing three free updates to the game!” says Jos Hoebe, Creative Director and co-founder of the WW1 Game Series.

On the slopes of Caporetto you must watch for snipers, listen out for biplane bombers, and always be ready to mask up if a poison gas barrage hits your position. Man mortars or heavy machine guns to support your allies, or fix bayonets to storm the frontline – take part in a key WW1 scene and try to change the course of history. This is the Italian Front!

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Expand your customization options with the Royal Units Pack

The Royal Units Pack expands the German faction by introducing the distinctive uniforms of 2 major states within the German Empire: the Kingdoms of Bavaria and Württemberg.

It contains 2 sets of uniforms for all classes, plus a special officer uniform. The Royal Württemberg mountain battalion is a veteran formation, and includes specialist cosmetic details like a wire telephonist engineer and a minenwerfer ammo carrier assault class. Both the Württemberg and Bavarian troops come with distinctive headgear, and the pack also contains 5 facial hair styles and 4 facial items which can be used for any faction in the game.

And more!

An increase in level cap and prestige mode for elite players also arrives today! The team up between BlackMill Games and Focus Interactive is already bearing fruit in the form of more great WW1 content, with more free expansions to come!

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About the WW1 Game Series and BlackMill Games

BlackMill Games brings history to life in video games. Every project is carefully researched to provide authentic details combined with compelling gameplay within a historical setting. It co-founded the WW1 Game Series with former partner M2H almost a decade ago and officially released authentic squad-based WW1 FPS game Verdun in 2015.Isonzo is the third game in the WW1 Game Series. Verdun led the way for authentic WW1 action with close-quarters trench warfare, Tannenberg expanded the experience with maneuver warfare on the Eastern Front, and Isonzo took it to the next level with high-altitude combat in the Alps! The WW1 Game Series throws players into intense warfare inspired by the chaos and fury of iconic battles from the First World War. The series has sold more than 2 million copies, which proves that this novel and underserved setting is popular with the gaming community!

Each game in the series is standalone and provides a different experience, reflecting the nature of the fighting in the many-sided theaters of the First World War. The games are built on a base of thorough research and receive extensive post-release support bringing new content and challenges for their players.

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