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May 11, 2023

Grappa is the third FREE expansion for WWI shooter Isonzo, releasing May 17th for PC and consoles

From Press Release:

ALKMAAR, THE NETHERLANDS, May 11, 2023 – Next week on May 17, the third map of the free Caporetto expansion is coming to Isonzo on PC, PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S! The WW1 FPS will take soldiers to the well-known and much requested Monte Grappa, where the Italians must hold their ground against the Germans attempting to conquer the mountain. Additionally, the paid Expedition Units Pack will be available and will bring new visual customization options for German troops to Isonzo.


This is the third update to be released on SteamPlayStationXbox and the Epic Games Store. Just like the previous expansions, the Grappa update will be free. Players can further expand the visual customization options for German troops with the Expedition Units Pack, which will cost $9.99 / €9.99.

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The battle for the Sacred Mountain

In this update, the mountains and valleys of the Massiccio del Grappa will set the stage for this Offensive. Players will begin with their boots on the ground in the forests, where the Germans must fight their way up Monte Tomba, Castel Cesil and Monte Palon. The final push will be to reach the white peak of Cima Della Mandria. All the while, the Italians must defend their territory and hold the line. Trenches both intact and destroyed, steep climbs through cratered landscapes, and cave systems await both sides of the fight on the battlefield.

During the First World War, Monte Grappa and the surrounding region were all that stood between the German troops and their victory over Italy, and so they gave it their all to try and conquer the region. Historically speaking these attempts were unsuccessful, and now it is up to the players in Isonzo to see if they can succeed where those in the past have failed.

Of course players won’t be joining the battle without new weaponry, with every army gaining access to one additional firearm. The Italians will receive the Revolver Orbea Hermanos – Tettoni 1916, whereas Austro-Hungarian soldiers will be able to make use of the Gasser M1870. Meanwhile, the Germans will get to use the Dreyse M1908. These new guns will become available with the Grappa update.

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New gear for new heights

Along with the Monte Grappa map and the additional weapons, the new Expedition Units Pack for the German troops will also be made available on May 17. As was revealed in a previous devblog, this is a purely cosmetic DLC that adds a total of 12 uniforms, 24 headgear items, 2 facial items, 7 facial hair items and 3 faces to Isonzo.

Since the Grappa update will be all about conquering mountains, the Expedition Units Pack mostly focuses on equipping the Gebirgsjäger and Alpenkorps with tools necessary for their dangerous jobs. Ski poles and snow goggles are just some of the necessities that these soldiers will bring with them to the battlefield. Of course the pack will also introduce new armor such as the infamous Stirnpanzer, worn by German assault troops and engineers to protect them on the frontlines.

With the Expedition Units Pack, players will be able to conquer the mountain in style!

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