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May 15, 2023

Palace of Ice DLC for Solasta: Crown of the Magister releases on May 25th for PC and consoles

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From Press Release:

Monday, May 15, 2023 (Paris, France) – Award-winning* French game development studio Tactical Adventures has today confirmed the release date for Solasta: Palace of Ice.

This new campaign for the critically-acclaimed Solasta: Crown of the Magister launches May 25th for PC and Xbox players, and is the biggest content update so far for the already content-rich tactical fantasy cRPG.

The new Palace of Ice premium DLC gives players over 25 hours of new content, and that takes place following the end of the original Crown of the Magister campaign. Designed with higher level characters in mind (level 10-16), players will discover entirely new locations and weather effects, as well as new enemy types and high level character development (spells, items, armors, etc).

And that’s not all! Two new ancestries will be added to complete your party – Gnomes and Tieflings, playable on all available campaigns; as well as new ‘Palace of Ice’-themed environments in the Dungeon Maker.

Solasta: Palace of Ice requires the Crown of the Magister base game and will retail for $14.99 USD / €14,99 EUR / £14.99 GBP.

Tactical Adventures will also release Solasta: Lightbringers Edition on May 25th. This complete collection features the Solasta: Crown of the Magister base game, as well as all previous DLC content packs, like Inner StrengthLost Valley and Primal Calling.

For more information on Solasta: Crown of the Magister, visit the websiteSteam pageGOG pageMicrosoft Store, or Humble store. Players can also follow on TwitterInstagram, like on Facebook, watch on YouTube and Twitch, and join the conversation on Discord or the official forums.

* ‘Best Game as a Service’ at The Pegases Awards in Paris, France, on 9 March 2023, ‘Best First Game’ at The Pegases Awards in Paris, France, in 2022.