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Jun 16, 2023

Cooperative wacky relocation sim Moving Out 2 receives a mid-August release date

From Press Release:

Friday, 16th June 2023 – Team17 Digital, SMG Studio, and DevM Games have today announced that Moving Out 2 will launch on 15th August. Coming to Nintendo Switch™, PlayStation®4 and PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, and Steam for PC – and featuring online crossplay multiplayer for the first time in the series – Moving Out 2 is set after the intergalactic conclusion of the 2020 original. The game sees the Furniture Arrangement and Relocation Technicians (F.A.R.Ts) head beyond the realms of their dimension and go multiversal across a series of other universes, each with wildly different and puzzling environments than their own.

Moving Out 2 Key Features

  • Location, location, location: Travel the multiverse and overcome new levels and puzzles that pit F.A.R.Ts with their biggest removals challenge yet.
  • Co-op Continued: Players can either take on Moving Out 2 solo or with friends (or enemies) in both couch and cross-play enabled online co-op.
  • Assist mode: Movers of all abilities are welcome in Packmore; with Assist Mode, the possibilities (and fun) are endless, and inclusive!
  • Zany characters: Featuring a whole new host of smooth movers, Moving Out 2 showcases entirely new characters that will both enchant and horrify.

A PC demo for Moving Out 2 will be available from Monday (19th June) as part of the Steam Next Fest and will feature a sample of six levels from across the multiverse of the final game. In addition to the game’s digital release across all formats, Fireshine Games will be distributing physical releases of Moving Out 2 for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Xbox Series X|S & Xbox One consoles.