Apr 09, 2021
Quicksave 020: Let’s Get Rid of Time
Be careful, we’re getting TOPICAL this week. After some focused conversation about the real issues, Scott shares his closing thoughts on Watch Dogs Legion AND Breathedge, both of which he just finished! Evan’s got more nuanced takes on Monster Hunter Rise and some initial impressions of Yakuza 6’s PC release. We’ve got Kojima rumors, Apex Legends rumors, and so much more! And of course… Meatloaf.
- Watch Dogs Legion (22:18)
- Breathedge (36:16)
- Monster Hunter Rise (50:23)
- Yakuza 6 PC (1:15:04)
- Xbox rumored to be publishing Kojima Productions’ next game https://venturebeat.com/2021/04/07/abandoned-for-ps5-is-not-a-secret-hideo-kojima-game/
- Apex Legends Season 9 x Titanfall https://kotaku.com/apex-legends-will-get-a-ton-of-titanfall-next-season-1846619149
- Metroid Prime 2D!!! https://kotaku.com/prime-2d-is-the-coolest-metroid-in-over-a-decade-1846620658
- The secret door in Prey 2006 https://youtu.be/kM9GJjlrLHM