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Scott Ellison II

Owner / Co-Creator and Editor-In-Chief

I began my online presence and writing about games with – teaching myself HTML and helping the community grow. I also helped Administer the Forums there. I spent over 5 years there before life got in the way and I joined the Marine Corps. Then late 2010, Ed and I co-created Saving Content for ourselves to write better and express our opinions. All of the staff of Saving Content is friends, family, or friends of friends.

Ed Acosta

Co-Creator and Executive Editor

 [Needs input]

Abdul Ahmad


I’m a software developer who also loves video games. I have been heavily involved in both the Need for Speed and EA Sports NHL series communities in the past. But I love all types of games and am excited about the future of the medium.



Send us a writing sample to: staff[at]savingcontent[dot]com