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Jun 18, 2020

Surviving the Aftermath sees pollution and contamination added in Update 8: Tainted Earth today

From Press Release:

Today Paradox Interactive and Iceflake Studios launched Update 8: Tainted Earth for Surviving the Aftermath. This update expands the game’s pollution system, adding levels of toxicity and additional ways for your colonists to become contaminated. This update will also further develop water and food production and consumption, as well as introduce additional buildings.

Update 8: Tainted Earth Key Features:

  • Contamination Nation: Pollution now has different levels of strength, and can spread based on wind strength and direction. Some catastrophes will increase contamination levels and extend the polluted areas. Deposits can be removed, but their effects will need to degrade over time.
  • Structural Integrity: Buildings on polluted terrain are slowly contaminated, affecting their production or even causing shutdowns until cleaned. Some buildings are sources of pollution that will affect surrounding terrain and colonists. Keep an eye on the heat map to track contaminated areas!
  • Resource Full: Water and food production have seen a massive overhaul. Water now has two roles, drinking water for colonists and powering certain buildings. Players can set production limits on resources, that when reached, colonists will be unassigned from that area and are free to do other tasks. If resources drop below the threshold, colonists will be reassigned, increasing colony efficiency.
  • More Improvements: Players can construct six additional buildings that enhance resource production, rival society leaders will appear at the gate to conduct business, bandits can steal resources during combat, and more. 

For more information on everything being added to Surviving the Aftermath in Update 8: Tainted Earth, view the patch notes here.

Surviving the Aftermath is currently available in Early Access on the Epic Games Store and Xbox Game Preview for $19.99., and will be available on Steam Early Access in October.