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Nov 30, 2022

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is out now on PC via Steam, PC Game Pass, and GeForce Now

From Press Release:

STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, November 30, 2022. Today independent developer Fatshark is proud to release the 4 Player co-op game Warhammer 40,000: Darktide on PC via Steam, Microsoft Store, and also through PC Game Pass and GeForce Now.

The Wait is Over. Welcome to Tertium
Darktide is Fatshark’s love letter to the world of Warhammer 40,000 and all of the players that want to play in it. Enter the sprawling hive city of Tertium and slowly uncover its mysteries with your three teammates. There will be no reinforcements. There is no help – you are the last line of defense. Suffer together or die alone as rejects rise.

Your Character. Your Playstyle
Choose your class, and create your unique character with everything from hair, clothes, and tattoos to attitude and voice. Pick the weapon of your choice to match your playstyle and create your perfect team.

The Future is Bright in the Grim Dark World
Launch is just the beginning. As players have experienced during the pre-launch beta, the desire to listen to feedback, improve and add to the game is paramount to the future of Darktide. The game will evolve and grow for years to come, with more frequent quality of life updates and a planned quarterly seasonal service model.

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Devoted Rejects Pack
All owners of Vermintide or Vermintide 2 that purchase Darktide will receive the Devoted Rejects Pack for free on November 30. The pack consists of five unique facial customization cosmetics and tattoos that are inspired by the Vermintide heroes.

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is available on PC today, with two versions available for purchase.

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide ($39,99)

  • The Atoman Star Weapon Trinket: A cosmetic weapon trinket awarded to those who answered in the hour of Atoma’s need.
  • Vanguard of the Imperium Portrait Frame: A cosmetic portrait frame reserved for those first to enter the fray and last to leave it.

The Warhammer 40,000: Darktide – Imperial Edition ($59,99)

  • Loyalist Pack: Purge heresy in style with these 4 unique class outfits, 8 weapon skin patterns, one headgear, and an Ogryn body tattoo.
  • Mortis Veteran Portrait Frame: A cosmetic portrait frame used to pay tribute to the fallen defenders of Tertium Hive.
  • Caducades Backpack: A cosmetic backpack for human characters. Scavenged from the fallen troops of Cadia, this backpack has been repurposed to serve those still alive and fighting.
  • 2500 Aquilas (premium currency)
  • The Atoman Star Weapon Trinket: A cosmetic weapon trinket awarded to those who answered in the hour of Atoma’s need.
  • Vanguard of the Imperium Portrait Frame: A cosmetic portrait frame reserved for those first to enter the fray and last to leave it.
  • Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Soundtrack by Jesper Kyd (Steam Only)

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