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Feb 03, 2023

Akka Arrh, the once prototyped Atari arcade game has been reimagined by Jeff Minter – releasing at the end of February

From Press Release:

It’s almost time to once again dive into the mind of legendary game designer Jeff Minter, as Atari revealed earlier this week February 21, 2023, as the release date of the psychedelic wave shooter Akka Arrh coming to PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox S|X, Nintendo Switch, and Atari VCS.

A rhythmically flowing arcade shooter experience and psychedelic visual explosion of color, Akka Arrh captures all of the fun of the golden age of gaming and delivers it in an updated, modernized package with vibrant, dreamlike visuals. Tinged with Minter’s sense of humor and prolific graphic style, Akka Arrh is the visionary showcase of his love of hypnotic color and light, combined with his ability to create pure arcade bliss. Players will blast through swaths of enemy waves while manning the titular Akka Arrh, a supped-up cannon just begging to be unleashed.

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Published by Atari and developed by Llamasoft and legendary game designer Jeff Minter, who previously brought the original Tempest and its successor Tempest 4000™ to life, Akka Arrh blasts onto PC and consoles on February 21, 2023.

A press kit including logos, videos, GIFs, and box art is available here:

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