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Apr 08, 2022

Moo Lander trailer reveals late May release date for the adventure platformer

From Press Release:

Plovdiv, Bulgaria – April 6, 2022 – Bulgaria is home to 230 thousand cows and around 6.9 million humans, which means roughly every 30 people get a cow. The cow that’s been living at The Sixth Hammer studios has been demanding a game since the government first gave it to us, and we’re pleased to announce her wish will soon be granted. Moo Lander, the bovine 2D adventure platformer, launches May 27 following a short delay – mo(o)-capping cows is harder than it sounds – for PlayStation®, Xbox, and PC, with a Nintendo Switch™ version planned for fall of 2022.

In the universe of Moo Lander, milk reigns as the supreme energy source, possessing a power second only to the stellar explosions of a dying star. Trouble is, it’s rapidly becoming scarce. The steaks – er, stakes – for your civilization are high, but rumors of an ancient device capable of producing infinite quantities of milk have reached your ears. After hoofing it to the only functioning spacecraft your civilization has left, you set out to a gorgeous, handcrafted world full of deadly aliens and ancient taurine foes.

Meet the Cows

Cruise over peaceful grazing fields and into sinister dungeons searching for the milk source and uncovering the secrets of the Mighty Cows. You’ll need to take stock of the situation before stampeding in.

Over 20 Mighty Cows await your arrival in Moo Lander, each with their own unique abilities and personalities. Granny Toxic sends her horde of poisonous minions after you, while the Last Milkbender exercises complete control over the precious substance. Supreme Rabbit Cow – this is not a joke – uses its explosive carrots and superior mobility, honed over the centuries, to baffle its foes and stay one step ahead of the vicious, carnivorous Cowger.

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Each Mighty Cow has a unique Cow AI that governs their behavior and demands a carefully considered approach. Milk sabers, dairy beams, and more are at your disposal, but you dare not harm the Ancient Mighty Cows. These reverential beasts must be overcome with non-lethal methods and careful use of the environment.

When you need a break from locking horns with the planet’s defenders, you and up to three others can play one of Moo Lander’s four Mooltiplayer modes in couch co-op or remotely via Steam Remote Play. Rustle up some friends to take on the powerful Cow AI together or throw all the chips down in fierce PvP combat. If you need something a bit more combat-free, join in the Cow Races and chase down the planet’s bovines in tense competition.

Moo Lander Features:

  • Cows
  • Even more Cows… and milk!
  • An emotional, 12+ hours long campaign full of memorable characters and plot twists
  • Unlockable new tactical and combat abilities for your Lander
  • Advanced Cow AI: overcome their superior bovine intellect
  • Beautiful hand-crafted landscapes to discover, each with its own unique challenges, enemies, and puzzles.
  • Couch multiplayer where you can play as a Mighty Cow – PvP, PvE and even Football!

For more details and to check out the Moo Lander Free PC demo, visit Moo Lander Steam Page

Or to play the Moo Lander Xbox Demo, visit Moo Lander Free Xbox Demo

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Find out even more about Moo Lander at the

Moo Lander Website

Moo Lander Facebook Page (go friend a cow!)

Sixth Hammer Twitch Channel (go watch a cow!)

Moo Lander Twitter Feed (go follow a cow!)

The Sixth Hammer on YouTube (go watch even more cows!)