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Nov 29, 2022

APICO’s 2.0 Update, aka “I Can’t Beelieve It’s Not Butter(flies)” Update is live on PC

From Press Release:

Today, Whitethorn Games — publisher of cozy indie hits like Wytchwood, Lake, and Princess Farmer — and developer TNgineers are fluttering with excitement to announce that APICO’s 2.0 update is now available on PC! The first of three planned content updates, APICO 2.0 introduces plenty of new things to bee excited about, and you can read all about them bee-low!

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Butterflies make their way to Port APICO! Players can discover a bevy of butterfly friends fluttering around the islands, as well as solitary bees that don’t work in hives, but wander alone. Those aren’t the only new friends in the 2.0 update though! Codey and Sto, research partners from the mainland, have come to help your cause! Have a chat with them using the new and improved dialogue system, and don’t miss a word of it.

Here’s everything else that’s new in APICO 2.0:

  • Fields of fancy flowers with new effects on the weather
  • More books are available for you to read and expand their knowledge of bees, butterflies, and bee-yond
  • The magic of Alchemy now allows you to make and sell candles and incense
  • Boppin’ bee-sides from Mothense for your auditory pleasure
  • New decoration items, tiles, walls and more
  • 16 additional achievements to acquire

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Comb-ining resource gathering, biology, and minigames with ideas from both real-life and fantasy beekeeping and gardening, APICO teaches players about the ins-and-outs of maintaining a healthy hive and the importance of our irreplaceable pollinating pals. The islands of APICO were once abuzz with different species of bees, and it’s up to players to rediscover lost species, cross-breed new ones, and repopulate each unique bee-ome. Progressing further into the game may also uncover some forgotten secrets. But that’s none of our beeswax.

To learn more about how APICO and TNgineers are supporting bee conservation efforts, and if you’d like to help as well, visit

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Key Features of APICO include:

  • Breaking into Hives: It’s not as bad as it sounds! Collect materials, craft tools, and play fun beekeeping minigames to help rehome bees before releasing them back into the wild.
  • It takes a Colony: Breed, collect, and conserve over 30 species of bees, like the Common Bee, the Forest Bee, and the Verge Bee. They’re all Queens in our book.
  • Bee2C Marketing: Fund the family business by making and selling honey, Apicola, and other beekeeping products. You’ll be a bee-llionaire in no time!
  • Cross-Pollination: Cross play with up to four players, regardless of where you purchase the game. Bees who work together, stay together!

APICO is now available on PlayStation 4 & 5Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steamitch.ioGameJolt, the Epic Games Store, and Humble Store, for $19.99 USD. Until November 29, the game is available at a 20% discount on Steam.

To keep up with all things APICO, bee sure to follow the game on TwitterTwitch, and Guilded, join the colony on Discord, and visit the official website.