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Styx sequel announced, Shards of Darkness will be coming in 2016

Oct 14, 2015

Following its positive reception from press and players, Focus Home Interactive and Cyanide Studios wanted to delve deeper into the world of Styx with more ambition! The centuries-old goblin assassin Styx returns in a new stealth game, Styx: Shards of Darkness, with a bigger budget, bigger ideas, and a new engine: Unreal 4. Revealed in the first official screenshot of the game, check out a nimble, more refined Styx, built from the ground-up. Master of Shadows was a valiant exploration into the world of the green goblin thief, but in Shards of Darkness, delve deeper into a more complex narrative and fully realized world.

Styx: Master of Shadows Review

Oct 07, 2014

This is not some weird musical game based off of the popular rock band, Styx. No, this is a hardcore stealth game that will ask a lot of you in the first hours, but becomes more rewarding as time passes. And you will relearn how to play this genre, which as of late, has become soft. And while your time with Styx: Master of Shadows could be better spent elsewhere, this game that requires patience and equal parts skill, to do well.

Watch 15 minutes of gameplay for Styx: Master of Shadows

Jun 27, 2014


Styx: Master of Shadows gameplay teaser

Feb 13, 2014

Styx, the goblin anti-hero, master assassin and part-time thief is about to scale the dizzying heights of the colossal Tower of Akenash, in search of valuable items to steal. An expert in the art of infiltration, Styx also uses this video as an opportunity to showcase some of his many talents that will help him progress without ever being spotted, or detected!

Styx is a Goblin two centuries old… the very first of all the Goblins, he’s a master in the arts of stealth, theft, and murder. The depths of the miles-high Tower of Akenash, where Humans and Elves hide and protect the Tree, the source of the Amber, are the best chance Styx has of quickly amassing a small fortune and, perhaps, discover more about his true origins along the way.

Battle your way to the top of the lofty Tower of Akenash through immense and vertiginous levels that highlight the vertical perspective. You will complete numerous missions with various objectives as you climb up – murder, information recovery, theft of precious artifacts, etc – and gradually reconstruct the puzzle that provides the key to the mystery of your origins. The levels are open and the objectives can be completed in various ways: you are therefore free to choose the best way to proceed and the most suitable strategy to employ to achieve and complete your mission objectives. But remember you’re a Goblin: if your target is twice your size, or more, you’re better off eliminating them silently. and in the back!

The premises of the Tower of Akenash are protected by many: Humans of course, but also Elves whose science of magic cannot be overlooked, huge Orcs who have been victims of (more or less) successful experiments, but also other, stranger creatures. Guards, soldiers and other protectors of the Tower will adapt their behavior dynamically, depending on your actions: you better keep a low profile and prepare your plan of action beforehand. Study the guard patrols closely, use areas of light and shadow to your advantage, lure your target to a secluded area to assassinate him silently, or arrange “accidents” to remain undetected!

Styx: Master of Shadows also includes game mechanics right out of RPG, so as you gain experience you will unlock new skills, special and impressive moves and new and lethal weapons in 6 talent trees! You will also acquire extraordinary powers from the Amber flowing from the Source Tree which will help you out of a tight spot, make you invisible to the eyes of your enemies and which you can use to generate “disposable” clones of yourself! Explore every inch of the levels and not only will you uncover clues about your past but also, and more importantly, valuable treasure that you can steal from under the noses and beards of the guards in the Tower of Akenash!