From Press Release:
Today nWay announced that PRBFTG is having a morphinomimal cross-over with none other than Capcom’s Street Fighter franchise in the upcoming Street Fighter Pack and the brand new Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid – Super Edition, created with their partners at Hasbro and Lionsgate. You’re going to see Ryu and Chun-Li morphing into Power Rangers to duke it out against the roster of fan-favorite Power Rangers and villains.
Lord Zedd has weakened the Morphin Grid and is starting to break down the walls between realities. Ryu finds himself transported to the world of the Rangers where he acquires a Power Coin and takes on the mantle of the Crimson Hawk Ranger. Ryu brings to the battle his trademark stoic, reserved poise and a lifetime of Shotokan training. His fluid, almost water-like fighting style is deadly at both range and up close, with his moves executed using classic, genre-defining input commands. Keep opponents on their toes from a distance with classic Hadouken, or punish aggressive play up close with his Tastumaki Senpukyaku or iconic Shoryuken.
The Street Fighter Pack featuring Ryu and Chun-Li will be available on May 25 for $12.50 across PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Steam, and Stadia. Players can also buy each character individually for $5.99. The Street Fighter Pack will contain:
- Ryu, Crimson Hawk Ranger
- Chun-Li, Blue Phoenix Ranger
- Exclusive skins to be revealed at a later date!
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid – Super Edition, is a collection of all the game’s DLCs released thus far, plus the newly announced Street Fighter Pack, along with some exclusive items available only in this very special edition. The Super Edition will launch digitally on May 25 with a physical boxed version to follow in July. The Super Edition will be sold for $49.99 and available on PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Steam and Stadia. Upgrade Kits to the Super Edition will also be available to those who already own Battle for the Grid.
The Super Edition will contain:
- The base Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid game
- Season One Pass
- Season Two Pass
- Season Three Pass
- Street Fighter Pack
- 4 Bonus Character Skins
For more information, visit