Jun 06, 2012
E3 2012 – Day 2 Roundup
Show Floor:
This game is stupid. It’s also awesome. Read more.
A neat indie platformer from some of the guys who made Bionic Commando: ReArmed running on the Unity engine.
This old dog doesn’t have many new tricks.
Stop me if you’ve heard this one, a competitive, class-based online first-person shooter. Well it’s really good.
The only True Crime here is not playing it.
Behind Closed Doors:
It hasn’t changed much since Beta, but I learned a few things.
Read the full story here
I had hands-on with a later level in the game and got to sit down with Lead Writer, Walt Williams giving me a better understanding of the game – I am excited to see it through.
CL4PTR4P is back. A much more enjoyable experience.
Vigils Confido (I am vigilant, I am Confident)